Publications in refereed journals
Fliedner TM, Friesecke I, Graessle DH, Weiss M: Hemopoietic cell renewal as the limiting factor in low-level radiation exposure: Diagnostic implications and therapeutic options. Mil Med. 2002 Feb;167(2 Suppl ):46-8
Fliedner TM, Graessle DH, Paulsen C, Reimers K: Structure and function of bone marrow hemopoiesis: mechanisms of response to ionizing radiation exposure. Cancer Biother Radiopharm. 2002 Aug;17(4):405-26
Feinendegen LE, Graessle DH: Energy deposition in tissue during chronic irradiation and the biological consequences. Br J Radiol. 2002, Supplement_26:6-14
Graessle DH: Mathematical modelling of the blood platelet renewal system as an approach to analysing the effects of chronic irradiation on haematopoiesis. Br J Radiol. 2002, Supplement_26:202-208
Fliedner TM, Graessle DH, Paulsen C, Reimers K, Weiss M: The hematopoietic system: determinants of response to chronic ionizing radiation exposure. Br J Radiol. 2002, Supplement_ 26:247-257
Fliedner TM, Graessle DH, Paulsen C, Reimers K: Strategy and tactics for stimulation of haemopoiesis in patients developing the acute radiation syndrome. In: Follow-up of delayed
health consequences of acute accidental radiation exposure – Lessons to be learned from their
medical management. International Atomic Energy Agency, 2002, IAEA-TECDOC-1300