Publications in refereed journals
Fliedner TM, Friesecke I, Graessle DH, Weiss M: Hemopoietic cell renewal as the limiting factor in low-level radiation exposure: Diagnostic implications and therapeutic options. Mil Med. 2002 Feb;167(2 Suppl ):46-8
Fliedner TM, Graessle DH, Paulsen C, Reimers K: Structure and function of bone marrow hemopoiesis: mechanisms of response to ionizing radiation exposure. Cancer Biother Radiopharm. 2002 Aug;17(4):405-26
Feinendegen LE, Graessle DH: Energy deposition in tissue during chronic irradiation and the biological consequences. Br J Radiol. 2002, Supplement_26:6-14
Graessle DH: Mathematical modelling of the blood platelet renewal system as an approach to analysing the effects of chronic irradiation on haematopoiesis. Br J Radiol. 2002, Supplement_26:202-208
Fliedner TM, Graessle DH, Paulsen C, Reimers K, Weiss M: The hematopoietic system: determinants of response to chronic ionizing radiation exposure. Br J Radiol. 2002, Supplement_ 26:247-257
Fliedner TM, Graessle DH, Paulsen C, Reimers K: Strategy and tactics for stimulation of haemopoiesis in patients developing the acute radiation syndrome. In: Follow-up of delayed
health consequences of acute accidental radiation exposure – Lessons to be learned from their
medical management. International Atomic Energy Agency, 2002, IAEA-TECDOC-1300
Fliedner TM, Graessle DH, Meineke V, Dörr H: Pathophysiological principles underlying the blood cell concentration responses used to assess the severity of effect after accidental whole-body radiation exposure: an essential basis for an evidence-based clinical triage. Exp Hematol. 2007 Apr;35(4 Suppl 1):8-16
Fliedner TM, Graessle DH: Hematopoietic cell renewal systems: mechanisms of coping and failing after chronic exposure to ionizing radiation. Radiat Environ Biophys. 2008 Feb;47(1):63-9
Fliedner TM, Chao N, Bader JL, Boettger A, Case C Jr, Case C Jr, Chute J, Confer DL, Ganser A, Gorin N-C, Gourmelon P, Graessle DH, Krawisz R, Meineke V, Niederwieser D, Port M, Powles R, Sirohi B, Weinstock DM, Wiley A, Coleman CN: Approaches to Radiation Emergency Medical Preparedness and Assistance: A US/European Consultation Workshop. Stem Cells. 2009 May;27(5):1205-11
Graessle DH, Fliedner TM: Computer Assisted Severity of Effect Assessment of Hematopoietic Cell Renewal after Radiation Exposure Based on Mathematical Models. Health Phys: 2010 Feb;98(2):282-9
Fliedner TM, Graessle DH, Meineke V, Feinendegen LE: Hemopoietic Response to Low Dose-Rates of Ionizing Radiation Shows Stem Cell Tolerance and Adaptation. Dose Response, 2012, 10(4):644-663
Doerr H , Lamkowski A , Graessle DH, Bennett A, Shapiro A, M. Farese AM, Garofalo M, MacVittie TJ, and Meineke V:Linking the Human Response to Unplanned Radiation and Treatment to the Nonhuman Primate Response to Controlled Radiation and Treatment . Health Physics, 2014, 106(1)
Graessle, DH; Doerr H; Bennett A ; Shapiro A; Farese AM; MacVittie TJ; Meineke V : Comparing the Hematopoetic Syndrome Time Course in the NHP Animal Model to Radiation Accident Cases From the Database Search. Health Physics, 2015, 109(5), 493 – 501
Port M, Pieper B, Knie T, Dörr H, Ganser A, Graessle D, Meineke V, and Abend M: Rapid Prediction of Hematologic Acute Radiation Syndrome in Radiation Injury Patients Using Peripheral Blood Cell Counts. Radiation Research: August 2017, Vol. 188, No. 2, pp. 156-168.
Publications as Manuscript or Chapters in Books or Proceedings
Graessle DH, Fliedner TM: Biomathematische Modelle der Reaktion des Blutplättchensystems unter Strahlenbelastung. In: Hofer EP, Sawodny O (Eds.), Proceedings of the Symposium on Synergies in Engineering Research, 2000, pp. 223-233
Fliedner TM, Graessle DH, Friesecke I: Zur Funktion und Homöostase des Blutplättchensystems. In: Hofer EP, Sawodny O (Eds.), Proceedings of the Symposium on Synergies in Engineering Research, 2000, pp. 213-222
Fliedner TM, Graessle DH, Reimers K, Weiss M, Paulsen C: Stem cell transplantation in radiation accidents. In:Tsujii H, Akashi M, editors. The Criticality Accident in Tokaimura – Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Criticality Accident in Tokaimura – Medical Aspects of Radiation Emergency; 2000 December 14-15, Chiba, Japan. Chiba, National Institute of Radiological Sciences, 2001
Graessle DH, Hofer EP, Lehn F, Fliedner TM: Classification of the individual medical severeness of radiation accidents within short time. In: Proceedings of the 10th Japanese-German Seminar on Nonlinear Problems in Dynamical Systems – Theory and Applications, Japanese Advanced Institute for Science and Technology, Japan, 2002, pp. 127-136
Graessle DH, Burg F: Entscheidungsunterstützende Systeme. In Jähn K, Nagel E (Edts.): e-Health, Springer, Berlin, 2003, pp. 65-75
Meineke, V, Graessle, DH, Schanbacher, E (2010) Mass Casualties and Health Care following the Release of Toxic Chemicals or Radioactive Material. Final Report EU Project 2007209. Paris: Executive Agency for Health and Consumers, European Commission.
Conference Presentations, Posters and Abstracts (Primary Author)
Graessle DH: Mathematical modelling of the blood platelet renewal system as an approach to analysing the effects of chronic irradiation on haematopoiesis. Advanced Research Workshop on “Protracted, Intermittent or Chronic Irradiation: Biological Effects and Mechanisms of Tolerance“ Science Conference Center Schloss Reisensburg, Germany, May 14-17, 2001
Graessle DH, Fliedner TM: Computer assisted severity of effect assessment of hematopoietic cell renewal after radiation exposure based on mathematical models. US/European Consultation Workshop on Medical Management of Radiation Accident Victims (considering in particular nuclear terrorism), Science Conference Center Schloss Reisensburg, Germany,June 30 – July 02, 2008
Graessle DH, Fliedner TM: Computer assisted severity of effect assessment of hematopoietic cell renewal after radiation exposure based on mathematical models. Biodose 2008 Conference. Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH, USA. September 7-10, 2008
Graessle DH, Fliedner TM: Computer based assessment of radiation induced bone marrow damage. 19th Nuclear Medical Defence Conference 2009, Bundeswehr Medical Academy, Munich, Germany, 2009
Graessle DH. MASH: Overview on the Results of the R/N-Questionnaire of the MASH Project, 10th CBW Protection Symposium 2010 in Stockholm , Program MASH workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2010
Conference Presentations, Posters and Abstracts (Co-Author)
Fliedner TM, Friesecke I, Graessle DH, Weiss M: Hemopoietic cell renewal as the limiting factor on low-level radiation exposure: Diagnostic implications and therapeutic options. In: International Conference on Low-Level Radiation Injury and Medical Countermeasures, Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, USA, November 8-10, 1999 (Book of Abstracts), p 17
Fliedner TM , Graessle DH , Paulsen C, Reimers K, Weiss M: Stem Cell Transplantation in Radiation Accidents, International Symposium on the Criticality Accident in Tokaimura, Chiba (Japan), December 14 -15, 2000
Fliedner TM , Beyrer K, Graessle DH, Friesecke I, Reimers K, Weiss M. Ionizing Radiation and the Hematopoietic System. International Workshop on Medical Aspects of Disaster Management: Radiation and Nuclear Accidents Budapest, Hungary, September 21-22, 2000
Fliedner TM , Graessle DH, Paulsen C, Reimers K and Weiss M: Response Categories as an example for clinical radiation dosimetry or Novel approaches to assess health impairments after accidental whole body radiation exposure as a basis for medical interventions , 14th Nuclear Medical Defence Conference 2001 at the Medical Academy of the Bundeswehr, Munich, Germany, February 21-22, 2001,
Fliedner TM , Graessle DH, Paulsen C, Reimers K, Weiss M: Recognition and Management of Suspected or Manifested Extraordinary Exposures to Ionizing Radiation in Members of the Armed Forces, 14th Nuclear Medical Defence Conference 2001 at the Medical Academy of the Bundeswehr, Munich, Germany, February 21-22, 2001
Fliedner TM, Graessle DH, Paulsen C, Reimers K, Weiss M: The hematopoietic system: determinants of response to chronic ionizing radiation exposure. Advanced Research Workshop on “Protracted, Intermittent or Chronic Irradiation: Biological Effects and Mechanisms of Tolerance“ Science Conference Center Schloss Reisensburg, Germany, May 14-17, 2001
Fliedner TM , Graessle DH , Paulsen C, Reimers K: Structure and Function of Bone Marrow Hemopoiesis: Mechanisms of Response to Radiation Exposure. Society of Nuclear Medicine, Toronto (Canada), June 23-27, 2001
Fliedner TM , Graessle DH, Friesecke I, Paulsen C, Reimers K: System for Evaluation and Archiving of Radiation Accidents based on Case Histories (SEARCH). German Commission for Radiation Protection, Bonn, Germany, April 12, 2002
Fliedner TM, Graessle DH: Pathogenesis of hematopoietic failure during or after an exposure to chronic or protracted ionizing radiation. Chronic Radiation Exposure: Low-dose Effects . Chelyabinsk (Russia). November 9 – 11, 2010
Fliedner, T.M.; Graessle, D.H.; Paulsen, C.; Reimers, K. : Strategy and tactics for stimulation of haemopoiesis in patients developing the acute radiation syndrome. Chapter 8. In: Follow-up of delayed health consequences of acute radiation exposure. Lessons to be learned from their medical management. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (2002) URL: